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Atari ST Machine Specific Programming In Assembly
Chapter 3: Assembly and Addressing Modes
On April 1st, one year in the late 1970's, the
announcement of a revolutionary semiconductor device, the
write only memory (WOM), provided engineers the laugh of the
day. Imagine my mirth when I discovered that Motorola was
apparently manufacturing a microprocessor that is
"compatible" with that device--a read only processor (ROP).
Imagine my chagrin when I realized that I had purchased a
computer designed around that microprocessor.
In the early stages of my ST education, the dilemma I
faced was this: the ST's operating system requires position
independent programs (My definition of a position
independent program is this: it is a program for which the
validity of execution results does not depend on the
location of the program and its data in ram.); according to
the references, this attribute is bestowed on programs which
use the MC68000 pc-relative addressing mode to access label
operands; however, this addressing mode cannot be used when
the operand is a destination. How, then, does one store
data in program variables during program execution?
The ST Relocator
Well, of course, I soon learned, via page 79 of the
AssemPro manual, that the ST has a built in program
relocator that nullifies the MC68000's pc-relative
addressing mode limitation, by producing position
independent code for programs that are relocatable (My
definition of a relocatable program is this: it is a program
to which the attribute position independence may or may not
initially be applicable. Regardless, however, the relocator
will position the program in ram in a manner which
guarantees that the validity of execution results does not
depend on its location); and, fortunately, AssemPro provides
relocatable code when a source file is assembled with the
Relocatable assembly option checked. For a time, therefore,
the dilemma seemed moot.
But the process is not as automatic as it seems. The
AssemPro manual attempts to provide an example, on pages 79
and 80, to indicate a type of expression which the relocator
would find unpalatable. I have tried to deduced Mr.
Schulz's intent, because it is not clearly stated.
Furthermore, the example does not seem to contain enough
information to render it informative. I don't think that he
intended to indicate that files containing these types of
expressions will not be assembled, because I have assembled
my own example. The source file is program 6a.
I have included various statements which use the
declared labels in this program so that you can see what
works and what doesn't. Statement #5 is the only one that
causes a run time error. And the reason is not a mystery,
as you can see in the disassembly listing shown in figure
3.2. The statement assembles into an instruction that
attempts to store the contents of address -4 in register D0.
Program 6a. My source file for the discussion on pages 79
and 80 of the AssemPro manual.
; Program Name: PRG_2AR.S
; Version: 1.002
; Assembly Instructions:
; Assemble in AssemPro Relocatable mode and save the assembled program
; with a PRG extension.
; Program Function:
; Serves as a source file for the discussion on pages 79 and 80 of the
; AssemPro manual.
move.l up_1, d0
move.l up_2, d0
move.l #-4, d0 ; The statement below will resemble this one
; after assembly. Both are relocatable.
move.l #up_1-up_2,d0 ; This is Mr. Schulz's example.
move.l up_1-up_2, d0 ; I think he meant to use this type of example,
data ; because this one does cause a problem.
pointer: dc.l up_1
up_1: dc.l 5
up_2: dc.l 3
This program was assembled in AssemPro's Relocatable
mode, with the Listing option checked. The listing was
directed to the file shown in figure 3.1. As you shall see
in figure 3.2, a disassembled listing of program 6a, the
expression #up_1-up_2 is evaluated to -4 during assembly.
This fact is also evident in the listing of figure 3.1,
where you are able to see that the object code on line 6 is
actually that for the instruction: move.l #-4, d0, identical
to the statement on line 5. This is the instruction given
as an example of one that is not relocatable in the AssemPro
manual. But I found that this instruction does not cause
any problems. In fact, I included the statement on line 5
of the program to illustrate that it works whether it is
introduced specifically into the program or it is assembled
into that format by the assembler. It is the statement on
line 19 which causes a run time error.
Figure 3.1. Assembly listing for program 6a.
Address Objectcode Line Sourcetext Assembly listing for PRG_2AR.S
000000 : 1 ; Program Name: PRG_2AR.S
000000 : 2 ; Version: 1.002
000000 : 3
000000 : 4 ; Assembly Instructions:
000000 : 5
000000 : 6 ; Assemble in AssemPro Relocatable mode and save the assembled program
000000 : 7 ; with a PRG extension.
000000 : 8
000000 : 9 ; Program Function:
000000 : 10
000000 : 11 ; Serves as a source file for the discussion on pages 79 and 80 of the
000000 : 12 ; AssemPro manual.
000000 : 13
000000 :203900000022 14 move.l up_1, d0
000006 :203900000026 15 move.l up_2, d0
00000C :203CFFFFFFFC 16 move.l #-4, d0 ; The statement below will resemble this one
000012 : 17 ; after assembly. Both are relocatable.
000012 :203CFFFFFFFC 18 move.l #up_1-up_2,d0 ; This is Mr. Schulz's example.
000018 :2039FFFFFFFC 19 move.l up_1-up_2, d0 ; I think he meant to use this type of example,
00001E : 20 data ; because this one does cause a problem.
00001E :00000022 21 pointer: dc.l up_1
000022 :00000005 22 up_1: dc.l 5
000026 :00000003 23 up_2: dc.l 3
00002A : 24 end
The file shown in figure 3.2 was produced by clicking
on the Disassembling option under the Debugger menu, then by
typing $5D7B4 as the from address and $5D7DE as the to
address. When disassembling a program with this AssemPro
function, you must always specify a to address that is
beyond the last address you want to appear in the listing;
furthermore, the address you specify must be beyond the
address of the last item of data you wish to appear in the
listing. For example, the last address shown in the listing
of figure 3.2 is $05D7DA. The data located at that address
is a longword (4 bytes) in length, therefore, the to address
specified was $05D7DA + 4 = $05D7DE.
Figure 3.2. Disassembly listing for program 6a.
Disassembled listing of PRG_2AR.PRG
05D7B4 20390005D7D6 MOVE.L $5D7D6,D0
05D7BA 20390005D7DA MOVE.L $5D7DA,D0
05D7D2 0005D7D6 ORI.B #-$2A,D5
05D7D6 00000005 ORI.B #5,D0
05D7DA 00000003 ORI.B #3,D0
The disassembly listing clearly shows that an error
will occur when an attempt is made to execute the fifth
statement because that statement has been assembled into one
which attempts to load the contents of a negative address
into D0. See figure 3.3. The -4 produced in this statement
(as is the -4 in the fourth statement) is the difference
between the addresses of labels up_1 and up_2 during
Figure 3.3. Attempting to execute the fifth statement of
figure 3.2 in the AssemPro debugger will cause an alert box
similar to this one to appear.
If the intent of a programmer is to store the
difference between the contents of the run time addresses of
labels up_1 and up_2 in D0, then, clearly, that does not
happen. I believe that this is the point which Mr. Schulz
intended to make with his example. Even if this was not his
intent, the example still illustrates that assembly using
AssemPro's Relocatable mode does not guarantee a position
independent program, unless the elements of each statement
in the program are congruous with relocatability. As we
have seen, it is possible to load and execute a position
dependent program which has been assembled in the
Relocatable mode.
A Few More Comments About the AssemPro Manual
The paragraph concerning the advantage of a relocatable
program on page 80 has not been correctly written. Instead
of "The advantage of a relocatable program...", the
paragraph should merely indicate that labels can be used as
destination operands in a program that is assembled in
AssemPro's Relocatable mode. Nothing else that is implied
by that paragraph can be confirmed. That the use of labels
in destination operands is advantageous is a subjective
opinion at best. In fact, I shall show that the requisite
memory of a program assembled in AssemPro's Relocatable mode
can never be as low as if it were assembled in the PC-
relative mode; and, furthermore, the loading times required
for programs assembled in the Relocatable mode are much
greater than they are for those assembled in the PC-relative
The following characteristics are the major differences
between the three AssemPro modes. Some of these
characteristics are not evident during the assembly process.
1. When a program is assembled in PC-relative mode the
assembler automatically attaches a (PC) suffix to
labels used as source operands. If the program were
assembled in the Absolute mode, the programmer would
have to manually attach the (pc) suffix to each
label. During assembly, the assembler will issue an
error report, declaring that the effective address
is not acceptable, for each label used as a
destination operand.
2. In a program assembled in the Relocatable mode,
labels are accepted as legal destination operands.
If used, the (pc) suffix must be inserted where
desired by the programmer. As in item 1, above, the
assembler will flag instructions which contain a
label(pc) in a destination operand.
3. Programs assembled in the Absolute or PC-relative
modes inherently require less memory and loading
time than do programs assembled in the Relocatable
Concept Definitions
The concepts with which we must be concerned during
this discussion involve assembly modes, run-time memory
addresses and assembly-time addresses. During program
execution, addresses are referenced as data locations or as
locations which must be forced into the program counter in
order to effect a transfer of execution flow. I will now
define the necessary concepts and the conditions under which
I will apply the terminology connected with each. My
comments concerning things to which the word absolute
applies will be brief because our interests are in things to
which the words program counter relative and relocatable
apply. Remember that PC-relative assembly is simply
Absolute assembly with (PC) automatically inserted for
convenience. But remember also that there may be times when
absolute assembly would be preferable to PC-relative
assembly because of the 16-bit branch limitation associated
with pc-relative addressing. When that limitation can't be
tolerated, automatic insertion of the (PC) suffix becomes an
Concept One
The AssemPro assembler has three assembly options.
These are PC-relative, Relocatable and Absolute. For our
convenience only, I will use the name of the mode in which a
program was assembled as an adjective to describe a program
assembled in that particular mode. For example, I will say
things such as "this is a PC-relative program; that is a
Relocatable program.
In addition to the AssemPro modes, I add one of my own,
the Combination (Combo) mode. A Combo program will be one
that is assembled in AssemPro's Relocatable mode, but one in
which the location of labels used as source operands in
instructions are specified using the MC68000 Program Counter
With Displacement addressing mode. The Combo mode produces
programs that take advantage of the faster execution speed
and smaller memory requirements of the program counter with
displacement addressing mode, and the mode also permits
labels to be used in destination operands.
Concept Two
The MC68000 microprocessor has among its addressing
modes one which is called program counter with displacement,
one which is called program counter with index, one which is
called absolute short and one which is called absolute long.
We will be interested in the absolute short and absolute
long addressing modes when we wish to reference operating
system variables while the processor is in its supervisor
mode. For the discussion in this chapter, we are primarily
interested in the program counter with displacement mode.
All of the references that I have seen replace this rather
cumbersome phrase with pc-relative, and refer to the
addressing mode as pc-relative addressing. Now that I have
pointed out the difference between PC-relative assembly and
pc-relative addressing, we should be able to use this common
notation with no problem.
The Rub
Before I go further, because I am going to say what
needs to be said about the MC68000, I must clarify my
position. I consider Motorola microprocessors to be the
finest available. And I speak from experience with their
devices and Intel's. Yet, were it not for a serious flaw
(one of two) in the design of the MC68000 (My opinion, of
course, but the only viewpoint from which a sane discussion
of the processor's limitations can proceed.), this
discussion would not be taking place.
However else are we to view the obstacle to storing
data that is inherent in the chip's design? Are we to
believe that someone would deliberately incorporate an
addressing scheme which attempts to thwart data storage in
the design of a computer's processor? That is the snow job
that most of the references parrot. No, the extra coding
that is necessary to overcome the limitation of the
MC68000's pc-relative addressing mode makes sense, and is
justified, only when that limitation is viewed as a design
The flaw, of which I now speak, is the microprocessor's
inability to accept pc-relative destination operands.
Ostensibly, according to the references, Motorola chose this
method to protect us from mad dog, crazy-running-amok, self-
modifying code producing programmers. I shall prove to you
that the design of the pc-relative addressing mode does not
prevent the writing of data to destination operands; thus, I
must conclude that, if the limitation was designed
deliberately, it is a failure; therefore it is useless and
only hinders programming effort.
On the other hand, if the limitation was an error in
design, I must conclude that it was not deliberate, and,
being otherwise satisfied with the microprocessor, I choose
to accept the task of designing my programs to work around
the flaw. That is this chapter's raison d'être: designing
PC-relative programs that work in spite of the flaw. The
extra effort that must be exerted is justified as
corrections to an honest mistake in design. Furthermore, I
will try to show you that there exists a viewpoint from
which we can consider the flaw to be an incentive to
inspirational algorithmic development, the result of which
shall be algorithms that are faster and consume less memory
than they might have were we not forced to use the
PC-Relative Addressing: The Microprocessor Option
I have decided that the most coherent explanation of
MC68000 pc-relative addressing is contained in the Kelly-
Bootle book. See pages 59-70, 91-92, 112-115 and 186-196.
But, of course, Mr. Kelly-Bootle's explanation is not Atari
St specific; he did not intend that it be. My explanation
will fill in the blanks, but I do advise you to read Mr.
Kelly-Bootle's pc-relative material, and, if you've the
time, the other sections of chapters 1 through 7 you find
pertinent. I am especially fond of the quotation at the
beginning of his introduction.
The importance attached to pc-relative addressing on
page 61 of the Kelly-Bootle book do not apply to the ST
because of its built in relocator. The assembly directive
RORG does not apply either, because AssemPro replaces that
directive with the PC-relative assembly option under the
Assembler menu. The importance of the LEA and PEA
instructions in PC-relative programs is amply documented in
this book, but there is a compound error on page 113. The
first part of the error is semantical. MOVEA.Z #<label>, A0
cannot be both equivalent and faster than LEA <label>, A0;
if you don't see that, look up the definition of
The second part of the error is factual. These
instructions execute at identical speeds according to the
Instruction Execution Times tables in the Motorola M68000
Programmer's Reference Manual. Furthermore, after I have
covered sufficient introductory material, I will present a
program which provides data which supports the Motorola
manual. In fact, if you think about it, why should the
times be different. Both instructions accomplish the same
PC-Relative Mode: The Assembler Option
Only programs which contain no destination operands that
are labels can be assembled with the assembler's PC-relative
mode asserted. This means that you cannot write
instructions that store data in program variables by
referencing the labels of dc and bss declarations. Instead,
you must store data in those locations via indirect
reference. You do that by storing the location of the label
in an address register, then by using one of the MC68000's
Address Register Indirect addressing modes in the
destination operand portion of a data storing instruction.
This is the extra effort that must be expended to
nullify the flaw in the MC68000's Program Counter addressing
modes. However, this effort does not always represent an
expense in speed and requisite memory. Actually, expense is
incurred only when a single reference to a label is required
in a program, or when heavy register usage does not permit a
register to be assigned to a variable during a significant
portion of the program in which the variable must be
When a program is assembled in the PC-relative mode,
the assembler forces the addressing mode of every label used
in an instruction operand into the MC68000 Program Counter
With Displacement addressing mode. Of course, an error will
be reported for every instruction which contains a label in
the destination operand. While it is true that programs
assembled in this mode are position independent, we are not
as interested in this attribute of PC-relative programs as
we are interested in their faster execution speed and lesser
requisite memory, because we can obtain position
independence simply by using the Relocatable mode.
Relocatable Mode: The Assembler Option
As we have seen, it is possible to construct statements
which the ST relocator cannot handle properly, even though
the assembler will not sense an error. I avoid such
problems because I do not include mathematical expressions
in my instruction operands. I have enough problems with my
programs without trying to outguess the relocator and the
It may not be readily apparent that AssemPro's
Relocatable mode does not preclude the use of the MC68000's
program counter with displacement addressing mode. I have
decided to discuss such usage as though it were another
assembly mode. I do this only because Mr. Schulz stressed
the automatic inclusion of (PC) for labels used as source
operands when assembly takes place in his PC-relative mode,
and I want to stress the advantage of using the processor's
pc-relative mode in programs that are to be assembled in
AssemPro's Relocatable mode, even though (pc) must be
manually typed after ever label in a source operand.
Combination Mode: The Option Mr. Schulz Forgot
If AssemPro had been provided with an assembly mode
that inserted the (pc) for labels used as source operands,
but which simply ignored destination operands, then
assembled in Relocatable format, we would not have to type
(pc) behind each label in our source operands to take
advantage of the pc-relative addressing mode in Relocatable
programs. As you shall see, by using the (pc) suffix
judiciously, we shall be able to reduce both execution time
and requisite memory.
Comparing Assembler Modes
The introduction of the program 6a provides me with the
opportunity to begin a comparative analysis of the
consequences of each Assembler mode. You have already seen
three forms of a program assembled in the Relocatable mode.
I would like you to obtain one piece of information about
PRG_2AR.PRG from the desktop. By clicking one on the
program's icon, then by selecting Show Info under the File
menu, you will be able to observe and record the disk space
occupied by the program. It is 78 bytes.
You can obtain a PC-relative version of the program,
simply by loading PRG_2AR.S into the editor, clicking on
AssemPro's PC-relative Assembly option and assembling.
Change the file name to PRG_2AP and save the assembled
program to disk with a PRG extension. From the desktop,
obtain the disk space occupied by the program (PRG_2AP.PRG).
It is 64 bytes.
Program 6b is a listing of PRG_2AR.S transformed into a
program that uses pc-relative addressing for the labels in
the source operands. You should assemble this program in
the Relocatable mode, change the file name to PRG_2AC and
save the assembled code to disk as PRG_2AC.PRG. From the
desktop, obtain the disk space occupied by the program. It
is 72 bytes.
Program 6b. PRG_2AR.S altered to produce PRG_2AC.S, a Combo
; Program Name: PRG_2AC.S
; Version: 1.002
; Assembly Instructions:
; Assemble in AssemPro Relocatable mode and save the assembled program
; with a PRG extension.
; Program Function:
; Serves as a source file for the discussion on pages 79 and 80 of the
; AssemPro manual.
move.l up_1(pc), d0
move.l up_2(pc), d0
move.l #-4, d0
move.l #up_1-up_2,d0 ; (pc) can't be used with the labels here.
move.l up_1-up_2, d0 ; (pc) can't be used with the labels here.
; NOTE: If the (pc) suffix is attached to both labels in the above
; statement, the assembler will flag the first as an error. If the
; (pc) suffix is attached only to the second label, the instruction
; will be assembled into a statement that moves a portion of the
; the preceding statement into register D0.
pointer: dc.l up_1
up_1: dc.l 5
up_2: dc.l 3
The disassemby listing of PRG_2AR.S assembled in the
PC-relative mode is shown in figure 3.5. There you can see
one of the reasons that PRG_2AP.PRG has a lower requisite
memory than PRG_2AR.PRG. The first, second and fifth lines
of the disassembly listing show that the labels in these
instructions have been cast in the pc-relative addressing
mode by the assembler, therefore, these source operands
require only one word of extension, whereas those
instructions in PRG_2AR.PRG require two words of extension.
Six bytes of requisite memory are saved via the use of
the pc-relative addressing mode, two for each of the three
instructions. The additional eight byte differential
between the requisite memory for PRG_2AR.PRG and PRG_2AP.PRG
is due to the information which must be stored for the
relocator in PRG_2AR.PRG, as discussed on page 80 of the
AssemPro manual.
Figure 3.5. Disassembly listing for program 6a assembled in
the PC-relative mode.
Disassembly listing of PRG_2AP.PRG
06D5DA 203A001A MOVE.L $6D5F6(PC),D0
06D5DE 203A001A MOVE.L $6D5FA(PC),D0
06D5EE 203AFFE6 MOVE.L $6D5D6(PC),D0
NOTE: Although the above statement has been assembled
without an error indication, the effective address
is not within the program's boundaries.
06D5F2 0000001C ORI.B #$1C,D0
06D5F6 00000005 ORI.B #5,D0
06D5FA 00000003 ORI.B #3,D0
The disassembly listing for PRG_2AC.PRG, shown in
figure 3.6, illustrates that the extension word savings can
be obtained when the pc-relative addressing mode is applied
to appropriate instructions in programs that are assembled
in the Relocatable mode. In PRG_2AC.PRG, the pc-relative
mode can be applied to the first and second instructions.
This yields a four-byte savings. An additional 2 bytes are
saved because less information must be stored for the
relocator in this program.
Figure 3.6. Disassembly listing for program 6b.
Disassembly listing of PRG_2AC.PRG
06D4F6 203A001C MOVE.L $6D514(PC),D0
06D4FA 203A001C MOVE.L $6D518(PC),D0
06D504 203CFFFFFFFC MOVE.L #-4,D0
06D50A 2039FFFFFFFC MOVE.L -4,D0
06D510 0006D514 ORI.B #$14,D6
06D514 00000005 ORI.B #5,D0
06D518 00000003 ORI.B #3,D0
These somewhat trivial comparisons have been introduced
in order to prepare you for the more complicated comparisons
to follow. Besides the requisite memory differentials
between the three programs, by referring to the disassembly
listings, you should notice that the correct run-time
address of label up_1 is stored at the label pointer when
the example program is assembled in the Relocatable or Combo
modes, but when it is assembled in the PC-relative mode, the
value stored at pointer is the assembly-time location of the
label up_1. See figure 3.7.
Figure 3.7. Assembly listing for program 6a assembled in the
PC-relative mode. Compare the assembly-time address of up_1
to the run-time address stored at pointer in figure 3.5 and
notice that they are the same. That is not what was
Address Objectcode Line Sourcetext PRG_2AR.S assembled in PC-relative mode
000000 : 1 ; Program Name: PRG_2AR.S
000000 : 2 ; Version: 1.002
000000 : 3
000000 : 4 ; Assembly Instructions:
000000 : 5
000000 : 6 ; Assemble in AssemPro Relocatable mode and save the assembled program
000000 : 7 ; with a PRG extension.
000000 : 8
000000 : 9 ; Program Function:
000000 : 10
000000 : 11 ; Serves as a source file for the discussion on pages 79 and 80 of the
000000 : 12 ; AssemPro manual.
000000 : 13
000000 :203A001A 14 move.l up_1, d0
000004 :203A001A 15 move.l up_2, d0
000008 :203CFFFFFFFC 16 move.l #-4, d0 ; The statement below will resemble this one
00000E : 17 ; after assembly. Both are relocatable.
00000E :203CFFFFFFFC 18 move.l #up_1-up_2,d0 ; This is Mr. Schulz's example.
000014 :203AFFE6 19 move.l up_1-up_2, d0 ; I think he meant to use this type of example,
000018 : 20 data ; because this one does cause a problem.
000018 :0000001C 21 pointer: dc.l up_1
00001C :00000005 22 up_1: dc.l 5
000020 :00000003 23 up_2: dc.l 3
000024 : 24 end
In addition to the incompatibility between the
declarations and the PC-relative mode just discussed,
certain move instructions are not compatible with assembly
in the PC-relative mode. Programs 7a-7d are sources
prepared for assembly in each of the four possible assembly
modes. The name of each source listing indicates the mode
of assembly. The comments in each program convey assembly
and run-time expectations and the suitability or
unsuitability of pertinent instructions relative to the mode
of assembly. Program 8 is a final example that stresses the
differences between instructions which are compatible with
PC-relative assembly and those which aren't. This program
can be assembled in Relocatable or PC-relative mode. But
when it is assembled in PC-relative mode, the code for
portions of it is not what we want.
Program 7a. ABSOLUTE.S
; Program Name: Absolute.s
; Version: 1.001
; Assembly Instructions:
; Assemble in Absolute mode.
; Execution Instructions:
; Go to the debugger and single step through the first 3 instructions.
; When you attempt to single step the 4th instruction a BUS ERROR will occur.
; Press the Return key when the alert box appears. Then move the mouse arrow
; to the 5th instruction in the debugger output field and, while holding the
; Control key pressed, click on the left mouse button to move the program
; counter cursor to the 5th instruction. Finally, single step the 5th
; instruction.
; Record the values that are stored in each of the four registers D0, D1,
; A0 and A1.
lea label(pc), a0 ; Label's run time address is moved into A0.
move.l label(pc), d0 ; Label's contents are moved into D0.
movea.l #label, a1 ; Label's assembly time add is moved into A1.
; NOTE: The MC68000 does not permit the (PC) suffix to be attached to a
; label that is preceded by a # sign.
move.l #$0, label
; Result of executing the above instruction is a BUS ERROR because label's
; address is its assembly time value, and that value is an address that can
; only be accessed while the processor is in supervisor mode. You can prove
; that this is true by clicking on the status register S box in the debugger
; screen before executing the instruction again. After that, I suggest that
; you reset the computer because storing $0 at that address may not be a
; healthy thing to do.
; NOTE: Manually move the program counter cursor to the next instruction.
move.l label(pc), d1 ; Label's contents are moved into D1.
label: dc.l $FFFFFFFF ; Label's contents initialized to -1.
Program 7b. COMBO.S
; Program Name: Combo.s
; Version: 1.001
; Assembly Instructions:
; Assemble in Relocatable mode.
; Execution Instructions:
; Go to the debugger and click on the relocate button. Single step
; through the 5 instructions. Record the values that are stored in each
; of the four registers D0, D1, A0 and A1.
lea label(pc), a0 ; Label's run time address is moved into A0.
move.l label(pc), d0 ; Label's contents are moved into D0.
movea.l #label, a1 ; Label's run time address is moved into A1.
move.l #$0, label ; Label's contents are changed to $00000000.
; NOTE: If you want to see the new contents of label after the above
; instruction is executed, click twice on the disassembled button
; located in the lower right hand corner of the debugger screen.
move.l label(pc), d1 ; Label's contents are moved into D1.
label: dc.l $FFFFFFFF ; Label's contents initialized to -1.
Program 7c. RELATIVE.S.
; Program Name: Relative.s
; Version: 1.001
; Assembly Instructions:
; Attempt to assemble in PC-relative mode. The assembler will not
; accept the 4th instruction because of the attempt to use a label as a
; destination operand. Type a semicolon in front of the instruction in
; order to comment it out, then assemble the program.
; Execution Instructions:
; Go to the debugger and note that the assembler has attached a (PC)
; suffix to the source operand "label" in the 1st, 2nd and 4th instructions.
; Single step through the 4 instructions. Record the values that are stored
; in each of the four registers D0, D1, A0 and A1.
lea label, a0 ; Label's run time address is moved into A0.
move.l label, d0 ; Label's contents are moved into D0.
movea.l #label, a1 ; Label's assembly time address is moved into A1.
; NOTE: The assembler will not attach a (PC) suffix to the source operand
; "label" in the above instruction.
move.l #$0, label
; Assembler will not accept "label" as a destination operand because AssemPro
; attaches a (PC) suffix to every label which is not preceded by a # sign in
; a program that is assembled in the PC-relative mode. The MC68000 does not
; permit the (PC) suffix attachment to labels that are destination operands.
move.l label(pc), d1 ; Label's contents are moved into D1.
label: dc.l $FFFFFFFF ; Label's contents initialized to -1.
Program 7d. RELOCATE.S
; Program Name: Relocate.s
; Version: 1.001
; Assembly Instructions:
; Assemble in Relocatable mode.
; Execution Instructions:
; Go to the debugger and click on the relocate button. Single step
; through the 5 instructions. Record the values that are stored in each
; of the four registers D0, D1, A0 and A1.
lea label, a0 ; Label's run time address is moved into A0.
move.l label, d0 ; Label's contents are moved into D0.
movea.l #label, a1 ; Label's run time address is moved into A1.
move.l #$0, label ; Label's contents are changed to $00000000.
; NOTE: If you want to see the new contents of label after the above
; instruction is executed, click twice on the disassembled button
; located in the lower right hand corner of the debugger screen.
move.l label, d1 ; Label's contents are moved into D1.
label: dc.l $FFFFFFFF ; Label's contents initialized to -1.
Program 8. Instructions that are compatible with PC-relative
assembly and those that aren't.
; Program Name: PRG_2BR.S
; Assembly Instructions:
; The algorithms in this program can be assembled in Relocatable or
; PC-relative mode. But when they are assembled in PC-relative mode, the
; code is not always what we want.
; Experiment 1.
; Shows that a pointer, declared in the data section, to a variable
; declared in the bss section will contain the correct address when
; assembly is in Relocatable mode; but when assembled in PC-relative mode,
; the pointer will contain the location at which the variable resided
; during the assembly process.
movea.l _variable, a0 ; A pointer to a variable is loaded into
; an address register.
; End of Experiment 1.
; Experiment 2.
; Illustrates that the instructions
; move.l #label, -(sp)
; move.l #label, An
; are not compatible with assembly in the PC-relative mode, and that
; the following instructions must be used instead.
; pea label
; lea label.
move.l #label_1, -(sp)
move.l #label_1, a0
move.l #label_2, -(sp)
move.l #label_2, a1
pea label_1
lea label_1, a0
pea label_2
lea label_2, a1
; End of Experiment 2.
label_1: dc.l 1
_variable: dc.l variable ; _variable is a pointer to variable.
label_2: ds.l 1
variable: ds.l 1 ; During loading, we want the address of
; this variable to be stored in the
; location addressed by the pointer.
You should assemble this program in both the
Relocatable and PC-relative modes so that you can compare
the assembly and disassembly listings. My assembly listings
appear in figures 3.8 and 3.9. The disassembly listings are
shown in figures 3.10 and 3.11. The assembly-time addresses
of the variables declared in the data and bss segments of
the program are evident in figures 3.8 and 3.9. These
should be compared to the addresses that would be loaded
into the arrays and the stack at run-time, as shown in
disassembly listings.
Figure 3.8. Assembly listing for PRG_2BR.S assembled in the
PC-relative mode.
Address Objectcode Line Sourcetext PRG_2BR.S Assembled in PC-relative mode
000000 : 1 ; Program Name: PRG_2BR.S
000000 : 2
000000 : 3 ; Assembly Instructions:
000000 : 4
000000 : 5 ; The algorithms in this program can be assembled in Relocatable or
000000 : 6 ; PC-relative mode. But when they are assembled in PC-relative mode, the
000000 : 7 ; code is not always what we want.
000000 : 8
000000 : 9 ; Experiment 1.
000000 : 10
000000 : 11 ; Shows that a pointer, declared in the data section, to a variable
000000 : 12 ; declared in the bss section will contain the correct address when
000000 : 13 ; assembly is in Relocatable mode; but when assembled in PC-relative mode,
000000 : 14 ; the pointer will contain the location at which the variable resided
000000 : 15 ; during the assembly process.
000000 : 16
000000 :207A002E 17 movea.l _variable, a0 ; A pointer to a variable is loaded into
000004 : 18 ; an address register.
000004 : 19 ; End of Experiment 1.
000004 : 20
000004 : 21 ; Experiment 2.
000004 : 22
000004 : 23 ; Illustrates that the instructions
000004 : 24
000004 : 25 ; move.l #label, -(sp)
000004 : 26 ; move.l #label, An
000004 : 27
000004 : 28 ; are not compatible with assembly in the PC-relative mode, and that
000004 : 29 ; the following instructions must be used instead.
000004 : 30
000004 : 31 ; pea label
000004 : 32 ; lea label.
000004 : 33
000004 :2F3C0000002C 34 move.l #label_1, -(sp)
00000A :207C0000002C 35 move.l #label_1, a0
000010 :2F3C00000034 36 move.l #label_2, -(sp)
000016 :227C00000034 37 move.l #label_2, a1
00001C : 38
00001C :487A000E 39 pea label_1
000020 :41FA000A 40 lea label_1, a0
000024 :487A000E 41 pea label_2
000028 :43FA000A 42 lea label_2, a1
00002C : 43
00002C : 44 ; End of Experiment 2.
00002C : 45
00002C : 46 data
00002C :00000001 47 label_1: dc.l 1
000030 :00000038 48 _variable: dc.l variable ; _variable is a pointer to variable.
000034 : 49 bss
000034 : ^ 4 50 label_2: ds.l 1
000038 : ^ 4 51 variable: ds.l 1 ; During loading, we want the address of
00003C : 52 ; this variable to be stored in the
00003C : 53 ; location addressed by the pointer.
00003C : 54 end
Figure 3.9. Assembly listing for PRG_2BR.S assembled in the
Relocatable mode.
Address Objectcode Line Sourcetext PRG_2BR.S Assembled in Relocatable mode
000000 : 1 ; Program Name: PRG_2BR.S
000000 : 2
000000 : 3 ; Assembly Instructions:
000000 : 4
000000 : 5 ; The algorithms in this program can be assembled in Relocatable or
000000 : 6 ; PC-relative mode. But when they are assembled in PC-relative mode, the
000000 : 7 ; code is not always what we want.
000000 : 8
000000 : 9 ; Experiment 1.
000000 : 10
000000 : 11 ; Shows that a pointer, declared in the data section, to a variable
000000 : 12 ; declared in the bss section will contain the correct address when
000000 : 13 ; assembly is in Relocatable mode; but when assembled in PC-relative mode,
000000 : 14 ; the pointer will contain the location at which the variable resided
000000 : 15 ; during the assembly process.
000000 : 16
000000 :20790000003A 17 movea.l _variable, a0 ; A pointer to a variable is loaded into
000006 : 18 ; an address register.
000006 : 19 ; End of Experiment 1.
000006 : 20
000006 : 21 ; Experiment 2.
000006 : 22
000006 : 23 ; Illustrates that the instructions
000006 : 24
000006 : 25 ; move.l #label, -(sp)
000006 : 26 ; move.l #label, An
000006 : 27
000006 : 28 ; are not compatible with assembly in the PC-relative mode, and that
000006 : 29 ; the following instructions must be used instead.
000006 : 30
000006 : 31 ; pea label
000006 : 32 ; lea label.
000006 : 33
000006 :2F3C00000036 34 move.l #label_1, -(sp)
00000C :207C00000036 35 move.l #label_1, a0
000012 :2F3C0000003E 36 move.l #label_2, -(sp)
000018 :227C0000003E 37 move.l #label_2, a1
00001E : 38
00001E :487900000036 39 pea label_1
000024 :41F900000036 40 lea label_1, a0
00002A :48790000003E 41 pea label_2
000030 :43F90000003E 42 lea label_2, a1
000036 : 43
000036 : 44 ; End of Experiment 2.
000036 : 45
000036 : 46 data
000036 :00000001 47 label_1: dc.l 1
00003A :00000042 48 _variable: dc.l variable ; _variable is a pointer to variable.
00003E : 49 bss
00003E : ^ 4 50 label_2: ds.l 1
000042 : ^ 4 51 variable: ds.l 1 ; During loading, we want the address of
000046 : 52 ; this variable to be stored in the
000046 : 53 ; location addressed by the pointer.
000046 : 54 end
Figure 3.10. Disassembly listing for PRG_2BR.S assembled in
the PC-relative mode.
PRG_2BR.S assembled in PC-relative mode
05A1E6 207A002E MOVEA.L $5A216(PC),A0
05A1EA 2F3C0000002C MOVE.L #$2C,-(A7)
05A1F0 207C0000002C MOVEA.L #$2C,A0
05A1F6 2F3C00000034 MOVE.L #$34,-(A7)
05A1FC 227C00000034 MOVEA.L #$34,A1
05A202 487A000E PEA $5A212(PC)
05A206 41FA000A LEA $5A212(PC),A0
05A20A 487A000E PEA $5A21A(PC)
05A20E 43FA000A LEA $5A21A(PC),A1
05A212 00000001 ORI.B #1,D0 ; location of label_1.
05A216 00000038 ORI.B #$38,D0 ; location of _variable.
05A21A 542E5300 ADDQ.B #2,$5300(A6) ; location of label_2.
05A21E 4620 NOT.B -(A0) ; location of variable.
05A220 5259 ADDQ.W #1,(A1)+
Looking at the first instruction in figure 3.10, you
can see that the value $38, which is the contents of memory
location $05A216, will be loaded into register A0. With
this instruction, the value we wanted to store in A0 is the
run-time address of variable. Referring to figure 3.11, you
can see that this desire is fulfilled when the program is
assembled in the Relocatable mode. This is a good time to
point out that, although the disassembler indicates the
actual address from which the value will be taken in the
first instruction of figure 3.10, the object code itself
references the location relatively.
The object code at address $05A1E6 can be divided into
the instruction word and the extension word as shown below.
Instruction word: 207A
Extension Word: 002E
The instruction word can be divided into its component bits
as shown below:
Component 1 2 3 4 5 6
00 10 000 001 111 010
The first component of the instruction word indicates a
movea operation; the second component indicates that the
operation is word size. Remember, our instruction indicated
that the operation was to be longword size. The operation
size is reduced automatically because the effective address
is now specified in the pc-relative addressing mode. Even
so, the word size operand will be extended to a 32 bit
quantity before the operation is done, because the
destination is an address register.
The third component of the instruction word indicates
that the destination register is 0, and the fourth component
indicates that the destination is an address register. The
fifth and sixth components indicate that effective address
of the source operand is specified by pc-relative
addressing. The displacement to be used in calculating the
address of the source operand is specified in the extension
word; that value is $2E.
The actual address of the source operand is calculated
by adding $2E to the contents of the program counter when it
contains the address of the extension word. That is,
$05A1E8 + $2E = $5A216. The disassembler kindly shows us
the results of the computation in the disassembly listing.
Referring to the disassembly listing for the Relocatable
program, in figure 3.11, you can see that no such
computation is necessary because the actual address of the
source operand is included in the object code for the first
Figure 3.10 also shows that the values pushed onto the
stack or loaded into the address registers by the next four
instructions of the program will produce equally undesirable
results. Then, the four instructions which follow those
four illustrate the use of lea and pea to load the correct
run-time addresses into address registers and the stack in a
PC-relative program. For example, the first pea instruction
will push the address equal to the value in the extension
word, $E, plus the address of the extension word, $5A204,
which is $5A212, the address of label_1.
Figure 3.11. Disassembly listing for PRG_2BR.S assembled in
the Relocatable mode.
PRG_2BR.S assembled in Relocatable mode
05A1E6 20790005A220 MOVEA.L $5A220,A0
05A1EC 2F3C0005A21C MOVE.L #$5A21C,-(A7)
05A1F2 207C0005A21C MOVEA.L #$5A21C,A0
05A1F8 2F3C0005A224 MOVE.L #$5A224,-(A7)
05A1FE 227C0005A224 MOVEA.L #$5A224,A1
05A204 48790005A21C PEA $5A21C
05A20A 41F90005A21C LEA $5A21C,A0
05A210 48790005A224 PEA $5A224
05A216 43F90005A224 LEA $5A224,A1
05A21C 00000001 ORI.B #1,D0 ; location of label_1.
05A220 0005A228 ORI.B #$28,D5 ; location of _variable.
05A224 00000002 ORI.B #2,D0 ; location of label_2.
05A228 06060606 ADDI.B #6,D6 ; location of variable.
So far, I have concentrated on the requisite memory
advantage of pc-relative addressing, whether is is
accomplished via the PC-relative assembly mode or by forcing
the mode on labels which are source operands in programs
assembled in the Relocatable mode. In chapter 6 I will
focus attention on the execution speed advantage of pc-
relative addressing and the loading speed advantage of
programs assembled in AssemPro's PC-relative mode.
Emphasizing Speed
Writing algorithms that execute rapidly requires
discipline and dedication to the task of learning which
instructions execute fastest and a somewhat fanatical desire
to seek out those less obvious instruction combinations
which execute faster than those which seem to flow from the
intellect much faster than their execution time. Magazine
articles are probably the best reference material for coding
that concentrates of speed improvement.
An excellent example of such an article, which
discusses speed and traps (not the exception kind), is 68000
Tricks and Traps, by Mike Morton, published in Byte,
September, 1986, pages 163-172. This is article is so
valuable, I suggest that you write to Byte for a reprint, or
try to obtain one from a library. During your search for
the fastest algorithms, I caution you to believe only what
you prove with your own programs. Some references advance
claims that seem to be untried and unproven.
For example, Mr. Morton advances the following
conclusion: multiplying a word by 4 is faster with
add.w dn,dn
add.w dn,dn
than asl.w #2, dn.
I will present a program which refutes this assertion in
chapter 6. Also, in his section on Fast subroutine calls,
Mr. Morton seems to indicate that the LEA instruction always
references labels with pc-relative addressing; this is not
true for programs assembled in AssemPro's Relocatable mode,
unless the pc-relative addressing is forced with label(pc).
The first stage of increasing a program's execution
speed is getting it into ram as fast as possible. Some ways
of doing this is by moving from a ram disk to main ram,
using utilities such as Switch/Back, produced by Alpha
Systems (I use this product.), and by reducing the loading
time. This latter method will be discussed in chapter 6.
Before I can introduce the algorithm that I shall use to
measure a program's load and execute time, I must present
the introductory material which makes the algorithm
In this chapter my intent was to show you the
difference between programs produced by four assembly modes.
In future chapters, the emphasis will be placed on programs
assembled in the PC-relative mode. In addition, I have
distinguished pc-relative addressing from AssemPro's PC-
relative assembly mode.
The basics of pc-relative addressing is covered in the
references, most comprehensively in the Kelly-Bootle book.
But you will see more examples of its use in the programs to
be presented in future chapters of this book. I have
assumed the task of explaining the significance of
AssemPro's PC-relative and Relocatable assembly modes, and I
have suggested that programs which explicitly use pc-
relative addressing and are assembled in the Relocatable
mode are best understood when their mode of assembly is
referenced as if it were a fourth option.